The San Diego ART Matters team would not be complete without its most valuable players, our members. San Diego ART Matters members are our eyes and ears, providing feedback and up-to-date information about issues most relevant to the arts and culture sector. When our advocacy calls for activation, they are our first responders - calling, writing, and reaching out to elected officials and other decision-makers to lend their voices and influence to create positive change.
Organizational and individual member donations support San Diego ART Matters operations to ensure that our programs and services continue, are of the highest quality, and are available to everyone throughout the region regardless of income. As our membership numbers grow, it sends a powerful message that San Diego ART Matters is a large and united coalition of advocates working together for one cause—to promote, preserve, and protect arts and culture for the benefit of all.
2023 – 2024 Organizational Members

2023 – 2024 Individual Members
Nathan Agin
Ladan Akbarnia
Jessica Baron
Jay Bell
Sean Boyd
Michael Angelo Camacho
Llewellyn Crain
Pauline Crooks
Steve Dilley
Bob Lehman
Erwin Magbanua
Carol Manifold
Erwin Magbanua
Caroline Nordquist
Becky Phillpott
David Plettner-Saunders
Victoria Reed
Michael Remson
Imani Robinson
Felicia Shaw
Steven Snyder
Erin Spiewak
Elisa Thomson
Elizabeth Tobias
Alison Urban
Nicole Verdes
Andrew Waltz
Terry Wilson